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- Vauhti Nylon finishing brushSpecial Price 19,20 € Regular Price 24,00 €Thin nylon bristles for polishing all waxes.
- Vauhti Nylon brush, smallSpecial Price 8,00 € Regular Price 10,00 €Universal brush for polishing glide zones.
- Rex 6221 Nylon brush small 54x86mmSpecial Price 7,20 € Regular Price 9,00 €Essential tool for waxers.
- Rex 631 Stainless steel brushSpecial Price 28,00 € Regular Price 35,00 €Stainless steel brush is used to open up the base structure during waxing.
- Rex 632 Brass brush, fineSpecial Price 23,20 € Regular Price 29,00 €Brass brush used to open up the base grinding pattern in connection with glide waxing, or to remove old glide wax.
- Rex 623 Soft Nylon brush, blueSpecial Price 12,00 € Regular Price 15,00 €Softer nylon brush for finishing.
- Rex 624 Horsehair brushSpecial Price 14,40 € Regular Price 18,00 €Use the horsehair brush to open up the base structure after scraping the glide wax, before using the nylon brush.
- RODE Soft Nylon BrushSpecial Price 8,00 € Regular Price 10,00 €Soft nylon brush for the last finishing and polishing of all kinds of glider and fluor racing products.
- RODE Soft Nylon Brush, ovalSpecial Price 15,20 € Regular Price 19,00 €Soft nylon brush for the last finishing and polishing of all kinds of glider and fluor racing products.
- RODE Horsehair BrushSpecial Price 8,00 € Regular Price 10,00 €Horsehair brush to remove and polish the fluorinated glider and fluor racing products.
- Maplus Soft nylon flat brush, ovalSpecial Price 23,20 € Regular Price 29,00 €Soft nylon manual brush.
- Maplus Soft horsehair flat brush, ovalSpecial Price 23,20 € Regular Price 29,00 €Soft horsehair manual brush.
- Maplus Hard horsehair flat brush, ovalSpecial Price 23,20 € Regular Price 29,00 €Hard horsehair manual brush.
- Rex 6182 Nylon flat brush, smallSpecial Price 7,20 € Regular Price 9,00 €A basic accessory for every skier.
- Rex 619 Horsehair flat brushSpecial Price 8,80 € Regular Price 11,00 €Horsehair brush is used for opening up the base structure after scraping off most hot wax, before finishing with a nylon brush.
- Rex 618 Nylon flat brushSpecial Price 8,80 € Regular Price 11,00 €A basic accessory for every skier.